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Creating & Using Forms

This is a walkthrough for creating and using Forms

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll show you how you may create your own forms and manage your client's submissions within Curate.

Video Tutorial:


  1. Go to the Forms/Forms tab.

  2. Click on "+ Add New Form".

  3. Add a title to your form on the field at the very top.

  4. Write a confirmation message to show your clients that they've submitted the form successfully. There is a default message for you to leave there if you'd like.

  5. Click on any default property to get it added to your form. Customer properties will automatically create a customer file for that client as long as first name, last name and email address are included. Event properties will populate your event's event properties after creating it out of a submission of this form.

  6. To create a new property, click on "Add a property" and select the type of property you'd like to add from the dropdown menu.

  7. To edit an existing property, click on the wheel icon on the right side of said property.

  8. Both options will bring you to this screen, where you may edit or create your property. Remember to select the type of property, either customer 1, 2, or event, and to click on "Save" before exiting.

  9. Here you'll also find a button to delete the property in question if you wish.

  10. Once your form is ready, make sure to click on "Save your form" to save the changes.

  11. After your form has been added, click on "Link" next to it to access the public link of the form. Copy the form URL at the top to paste it in your browser's address field to access it. You may also paste it into an email to your client. The Embed and Autofill Script code will allow you to include that very link on your website.

  12. After you've received a submission, click on it to open it and select your preferred option from the dropdown menu at the top to create a proposal out of it.

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