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Expiration Dates

How to set and remove an expiration date to your event proposal.

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

You never want to experience your beautiful designs stolen or lost within the ethernet. Setting an expiration date can prevent that from happening!

This video will walk you through how to set an expiration date for a proposal, so that if a client tries to access the proposal link after the set expiration date, they will receive a message instead. You can extend this date at any time or take the expiration date out completely. This feature is for you to use as you want and is a great way to keep control of your designs, as well as a great way to schedule follow-ups with your client!

The message the client receives after trying to access the expired proposal link is completely customizable to you! You know the perfect way to convey messages to your clients, and you can set that verbiage within your Settings tab.



Setting the Expiration Date

  1. From the Workroom view of your proposal, access the Admin tab underneath the header.

  2. Click within the Expiration Date box and select the date you would like the link to expire.

  3. Voila! Curate automatically saves the date within the proposal!

Setting your Expiration Message:

  1. From the Settings tab, make sure you are under the Settings column

  2. Scroll to the very bottom to access the Proposal Expiration Message

  3. Click to Edit you customizable message

  4. Done! Your message automatically saves :)

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