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View & Print Recipe Sheet

How to view and print out your recipe sheet for easy viewing

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

The Recipe Sheet shows an overview of all the recipes contained in your proposal. Don't miss a detail!

Firstly, you'll want to go ahead and access the Recipe Sheet via the hamburger menu at the top right of the proposal.

Once there, you'll see a breakdown of all the recipes in that proposal. Each of them shows a breakdown menu of all the users included in your account. You may assign the recipe to one of them and then mark it as completed once it's ready.

You'll also notice several features at the top, including:

  • Recipe Photos/Line Item Photos: You may scroll these toggles to the right to show and enlarge the photos linked to your recipes and line items.

  • Costs: By checking this box, you'll show the cost of each item in your recipes.

  • Retail Price: This shows the price of each recipe, including markups and labor, if applied.

  • Prep Lists: It will show the number of units of each item in the recipes.

  • Only Items with COGS: This feature hides all line items without recipes off of the Recipe Sheet.

  • Notes: It shows the private notes included in each recipe.

  • Sections: The section header will show above its respective line items.

  • Clear: The "Clear" button will clear all checked boxes.

  • Back to the proposal: This link will bring you back to the proposal linked to the Recipe Sheet.

To print the Recipe Sheet, you'll want to open Google Chrome's printing options. To do that, right-click on the sheet and click on "Print...", or hit Ctrl+P (Cmd+P in a mac). Once on the printing screen, select "Save as PDF" from the Destination drop-down menu and click on "save"

Make sure to check the "Background Graphics" box for the photos to show on the PDF file.

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