Add Photo: Add the selected photo from your Media Library into your proposal.
Archive: Use to move selected photos into the Archived Folder.
Archived Folder: Photos can be archived, this allows you to "remove" them from your Media Library without causing any issues with your proposals.
Create New Folder: Use to create a new folder for organization.
Cut: Use to move selected photos from where they are to Paste elsewhere.
Paste: Use to add previously Cut photos into current folder.
Up: Used to navigate within the Media Library
Upload: Select a photo from your computer to add into your Media Library
Organizing your photos by Themes or colors will help you to find them better.
If your photos are named you can use the search bar to find them.
You can rotate a photo using the photo details in the bottom right of the screen when the photo is selected.
Photos added to your proposal via drag and drop with Pinterest are added into your Media Library automatically.
There is not a delete option for photos once they are added, deleting the wrong photo could cause issues with any current proposals you have. You are able to Archive photos!
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