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Deleting Library Items

This article will show you how to delete library or rental items.

Carlos Sanz avatar
Written by Carlos Sanz
Updated over a week ago

Is there an item that you're no longer purchasing or adding to your proposals? Or would you like to replace an item with another one in your files? Deleting a library item, as well as a rental item, is very simple. You'll want to access the item's editing screen and click on "delete" to have it removed. You may also delete a variation only, by clicking on the trash can icon next to the variation in question.

"But wait, I just deleted an item that I've used in some of my current proposals!". Not to worry, we've thought of everything. πŸ™‚ Your proposal will still show an item that you added before deleting it. The item will still show on the proposal's recipe sheet and shopping list, and you may even create gameplans and purchases that include said item!

You will actually be able to tell apart a deleted item in a recipe. A deleted item will lack a pencil icon next to it. That's the icon that allows you to open the item's editing screen from within the recipe. That way, you may decide whether to remove it from the recipe as well or to replace it with another item.

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