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Section Types

Learn about the different Section Type options in your Proposal

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

This article outlines the different types of sections offered by Curate’s workroom! Alongside illustrating how to make these changes, this video depicts how the changes will appear on the user’s end and the client’s end.


Update a line item’s section type

  1. Select the wrench icon next to the line item

  2. Select the desired state and section type

Breakdown of Section Types

  • Custom

    • Allows you to pick what you would like to show for the Section View & Line Item View

  • Standard

    • Shows the Section Title and Line Item with pricing on each Line Item.

  • Show Price & Hide Items

    • Shows total of Section next to Section Title and hides Items.

  • Show Price & Items

    • Shows total of Section next to Section Title and shows Items without pricing.

  • Show All Prices

    • Shows total of Section next to Section Title and shows Items with pricing.

  • Hide Prices & Items

    • Only shows Section Title.

  • Hide All Prices

    • Same as Standard view but without any pricing.

  • Centered Items

    • Centers Section with Line Items centered under, hides prices and photos.

  • Standard without Indent

    • Shows Line Items with Pricing, Hides Section Title.

Video walkthrough:

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