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Automated Payment Reminders

Set up your workflows in Curate to remind customers when payment due dates are approaching!

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

It would be great if we remembered everything, all of the time. Right?

We all know that's just not the case, there's so much going on in our lives that it's easy for things to slip by. That's why we built Workflows in Curate to make your life easier. At the very top of that workflow list is Payment Reminders.

This workflow gives you the ability to send a friendly payment reminder to your customers when an upcoming payment is approaching. You can choose how many days before the due date to send the reminder - 1 day? 5 days? 100 days? It's totally up to you!

You can edit the message to be on brand and even implement tokens for a more personalized reminder!

This workflow will save you and your customer the trouble of forgetting any upcoming payments - which is good for you because, well, you get paid.


  1. Navigate to Settings > Workflows

  2. Enter the number of days before the payment is due

  3. Check the box next to the Workflow to turn it on

  4. (Optional) Select "Edit" on the right hand side

    1. Customize the content of your E-mail Subject and Body.

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