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Saving a Line Item as a Product

Save Line Items for future use by saving them as a Product

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

Products are a great way to save your favorite Line Items and Recipes to use for later.

Maybe you a few bouquets that you find yourself always using in your proposals, or you have a fantastic recipe for Surf & Turf that feeds 20.

You can save every attribute of the Line Item as a Product that can added to a proposal and edited further to the Event's specifications. Add the Name, Description, Photos, Price, and Recipe in one click!


  1. Choose the Line Item you want to save as a Product

  2. Click on the Wrench tool for that Line Item

  3. Click the "Save to Product" Floppy Disk Icon ๐Ÿ’พ

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