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Change Line Item Type

Line item pricing can be set to three different types including Currency, Percentage, and Free

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

This video will show you how to switch between line item types.

How to:

  1. Click on the wrench tool of any line item

  2. Select the desired type within the dropdown menu

  3. Additionally, you may also change the type of several line items in bulk by hovering over the left side of the right item. After checking the box of those that you wish to edit, you'll be able to select the line item type from the dropdown menu at the top.

There are three line item types: currency, percentage and free.

  • Currency: The currency type shows a line item with a flat price that you may edit at will after clicking on the price field.

  • Percentage: This type will allow you to add any percentage amount to the line item. The actual amount will be calculated according to the line items that it is being applied to.

  • Free: You may use this type when you wish to not charge for this specific line item. It will show no price whatsoever.

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