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A walkthrough of the Customers tab

Shannon O'Neil avatar
Written by Shannon O'Neil
Updated over a week ago

This article will show you how to add and edit customer files.

Video Tutorial:


There are three ways to get customers added to your Customers tab:

  1. Access the tab and click on "+ New Customer". Then, add any information you'd like on the screen that will pop on the right. Don't forget to click on "Save" to save the changes.

  2. When creating or editing an event, click on the dropdown menu to select your customer. Then click on "Add new customer" at the bottom. The exact same screen will show on the right for you to add the customer's details.

  3. When your customers submit a form, the system will automatically create a customer file for them on your Customers tab. In these cases, it is required that both their first and last name are included, as well as their email address. Make sure these fields are required in your form before sending it out to potential customers.

Guides and FAQs for Customers:

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